30/03/2024 Quantifying Fiscal Risks from Climate Change Previous ISST Talks: Climate Resilience Next Peter Frankopan on how humans have shaped the earth You Might Also Like Cambridge Zero Research Symposia: Working Globally ERF 29th Annual Conference Plenary 7: Green Economy and Energy Transition Empirical evidence from slum rehabilitation housing in Mumbai — Ramit Debnath Climate expert Dr Ronita Bardhan on severity of heatwaves in India Just Transition Talk Series Part 32 | Prof Ramit Debnath | University of Cambridge
30/03/2024 Quantifying Fiscal Risks from Climate Change Previous ISST Talks: Climate Resilience Next Peter Frankopan on how humans have shaped the earth You Might Also Like Cambridge Zero Research Symposia: Working Globally ERF 29th Annual Conference Plenary 7: Green Economy and Energy Transition Empirical evidence from slum rehabilitation housing in Mumbai — Ramit Debnath Climate expert Dr Ronita Bardhan on severity of heatwaves in India Just Transition Talk Series Part 32 | Prof Ramit Debnath | University of Cambridge