29/03/2024 Why has it taken so long to take climate change seriously Previous Realising the health potential through sustainable built environment designs Next Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery You Might Also Like ISST Talks: Climate Resilience 'Heat and Health Risks in Transitional Housing of Ethiopia' - Cambridge-Africa Day Funder Roundtable: Better Procurement for Climate Action Peter Frankopan on how humans have shaped the earth Just Transition Talk Series Part 32 | Prof Ramit Debnath | University of Cambridge
29/03/2024 Why has it taken so long to take climate change seriously Previous Realising the health potential through sustainable built environment designs Next Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery You Might Also Like ISST Talks: Climate Resilience 'Heat and Health Risks in Transitional Housing of Ethiopia' - Cambridge-Africa Day Funder Roundtable: Better Procurement for Climate Action Peter Frankopan on how humans have shaped the earth Just Transition Talk Series Part 32 | Prof Ramit Debnath | University of Cambridge